JeffreyM Employee Highlight – Brenda Brens - JeffreyM

JeffreyM Employee Highlight – Brenda Brens


As we continue to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, we had the pleasure to sit down with one of our employees and staff member, Brenda Brens, one of our Recruiters at JeffreyM, to hear about what Hispanic Heritage Month means to her.

What does Hispanic Heritage month mean to you?
Although I grew up here, being born in the Dominican Republic and staying in touch with my origins and language, have certainly helped shape who I am as an individual in all aspects of my life, even professionally. Where do you think the saying “Hispanics are hard workers “comes from? We know what it’s like to come from nothing, and that’s part of what we celebrate this month. Acknowledging where we once were, appreciating where we are now, and working even harderto accomplish more in the future.

This month to me is about reflection. It’s a time we dedicate to thinking about our culture, tradition, differences and similarities that bring us together and shape who we are as a community of 21 countries.

Are there any specific events or traditions that are important to you during this time or throughout the year?
It may sound silly, but my heart grows a little every time I see a piñata at a kid’s party, the famous “Taco Tuesday” we see everywhere, hearing a mariachi when someone wants to be extra romantic, sending good food to a friend who is sick or giving the biggest hugs when greeting someone. All of these traditions have Hispanic/LatinX culture written all over it, and I love it!

How can the community celebrate and bring awareness to Hispanic Heritage beyond just this month?
By supporting a Hispanic/LatinX owned businesses, getting involved in the solution of issues that haunt our community, using the resources found online to learn more about who we are, going dancing, exploring, and enjoying our food. These are ways that give you the opportunity to recognize our diverse and fascinating culture that make the United States such a strong and unique country. Feliz Mes de la Herencia Hispana!

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