Tips For Writing Your New Year’s Resolution - JeffreyM

Tips For Writing Your New Year’s Resolution

Kate Carte

The New Year is a time of reflection, refocus and setting new intentions and goals. Below are 6 tips to keep in mind as you embark on setting goals for 2023:

  1. Write it down – Writing your resolution down makes it real. Put it somewhere that you’ll see for a daily reminder.
  2. Know your why – You’re more likely to stick with something you’re passionate about or it is related to your core values or the most important people in your life. Maybe you’re trying to be healthier so you can better care for a parent or child. Connecting goals to a deeper sense of purpose will make you more likely to stick with it.
  3. Tell someone – Sharing your goals with others makes you accountable. When you share your goal with a friend or family member, ask them to check back in with you in a few weeks on your progress.
  4. Give yourself time – Have you ever heard it takes 21 days to break a habit, or build a new one? Well, that might not necessarily be true. However, building new habits takes time.  Here is a good read from Forbes on the science of habit formation.
  5. Choose SMART goals – Use the SMART methodology to ensure goals are Smart, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time bound.
  6. Plan check ins – Plan to check in and reflect on your progress in February when many people start to give up. Give yourself grace. Adjust and adapt any goals that were overly ambitious and recommit to new ones.

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